Your Source for Mental Fitness, Personal and Professional Growth, and Intercultural Management
Some Insights
Mental Fitness definition: Your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with positive rather than negative mindset.
Impact: Peak performance; Peace of mind/wellness, Healthy relationships.
Research foundation:
Positive psychology
Cognitive psychology
Performance science
Research includes results from:
Hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams
Stanford students
World–class athletes
500,000 participants from 50 countries
Many YPO families and Forums
Research summarized in the New York Times best-selling book, Positive Intelligence, translated into 20 languages.
Results of Factor Analysis Research: 10 saboteurs/ 5 Sage Powers
Only 3 core muscles are at the root of mental fitness:
Saboteur Interceptor
Saboteurs: The Judge- the basis of all Saboteurs
Saboteurs motivate you through negative emotions …fear, stress, anger, guilt, shame, insecurity, …
Might generate success but NOT happiness.
Sage motivates you through positive emotions… empathy, curiosity, creativity, passion, and purpose.
Generates your highest success and sustained happiness.
The Sage lives in the region of brain associated with:
Positive emotions
Peace and calm
Clear-headed focus
Big picture
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Mental Fitness development practices:
Exclusive App Guiding Your Daily Practice
Each day a different focus for daily practice is assigned. This builds one small muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits of your mind.
Interactive PQ Gym
Innovative 10-second PQ Reps build up your Self-Command muscle. You learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges, able to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage response.
Success requires intense initial practice- 15 minutes/day for 6-8 weeks
Your PQ COACH™Vilhelmine Brown will introduce you to the programme and guide and support you in your coaching journey through individual or group weekly sessions.
Mental Fitness Programme will be provided by Shirzad Chamine through Phone App, it includes:
1-hour weekly video (on weekend or Monday)
15 minutes/day of practice on the app
Interactive PQ gym
8 chapters of Positive Intelligence book (PDF provided)
Community support and much more
More about my coaching approach
Why neuroscience?
The way coaching is set up is designed to take advantage of the best of the ways the brain learns.
It’s scientifically proven that:
You can train the brain to better navigate change
Your brain is “neuroplastic’’. It has a great deal of capacity for change. And the more of the system you include in the change process, the more durable the change tends to be.
Novel experiences stimulate the growth of new neurons, developing new brain connections that will clarify your thoughts and help make you better decisions.
Planning and visualization of your future sets your brain to spot opportunities that will help you reach your goals.
By making a conscious decision to say ‘’yes’’ to things, you can override negative thinking that holds you back.
Why somatic/embodiment practices?
’’ Transformation occurs when the entire being of the person is addressed.’’ Richard Strozzi-Heckler
The brain extends throughout the body in multiple ways.
It goes without saying that the brain and body are inseparably interwoven. The brain influences and is influenced by the farthest reaches of the body via the central and autonomic nervous systems.
How many times, for example, have you learned a new idea and even known “what to do”, but found yourself unable to actually do it?
Through focused conversation,
movement, integrated body-
oriented practices you will be
guided to new ways of managing life’s
pressures and opportunities.
Embodiment coaching produces more rapid, effective, and lasting change that conversational coaching alone cannot produce.